Fox Feed

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Heeeeey~! My name's Paf and I've been working on making a few furry-focussed feeds for BlueSky.

A "Feed" is similar to a twitter timeline, such as "For You" or "Following", but much more customizable! Here's a few that I've made for myself that I want to share with other people :)

Available Feeds

All feeds contain a mix of SFW and NSFW content, use your in-client settings to filter them.

Main Feed

Top recent posts by all furries.

Vixen Feed

Top recent posts by all furry women.

I made this because I noticed other furry feeds on bluesky were overwhelmingly dominated by men, and I wanted to help fellow girls connect with each other ^ ^;

Fresh Feed

New and upcomming posts by furry women.

This feed prioritises the newness of posts over the number of likes. It's much faster-moving and more chaotic.


Top recent posts, as voted by furry women.

Can potentially contain posts by any furry, however the algorithm only counts likes made by furry women.

Currently experimenting with adding a few out-of-network posts, which might not be made by furries.

What Is Included On The Feed?

Only posts from the last 96 hours (~4 days) are considered.

Furries means anybody who is connected with one of a short list of major furry accounts. Additionally, small number of mutelists is used to exclude accounts from the feeds. Subject to change.

Woman means anyone who openly identifies with a fem-aligned identity. For example, those whose bio contains fem-aligned pronouns (she/her, she/they, ...), a female (♀️) or sapphic (⚢) emoji, or an age-gender indicator (e.g. 25F). Presently, those who mix fem and masc identifiers (e.g. she/he) are excluded. The full details of how this works can be seen in the source code.

How are the feeds ranked?

Each post is scored individually, depending on its age, and the amount of positive-sentiment interaction its getting

x=Tβ y=(Lγ+5)(0.7+-0.1tan-1(F800)){1xαif x12-1(2-x)αif x<1

Where L is the number of likes, T is the age of the post and F is the number of followers the author has.

Main Vixen V2 Fresh
α 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
β 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 30 minutes
γ 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.3

Multiple posts by the same author will occur a penalty. An author's highest-scoring post on a feed will receive a multiplier of 1, the second highest-scoring a multiplier of ½, the third a multiplier of ¼, and so on.

Multiple posts quoting the same original post will occur a penalty. The highest-scoring quote of a post on a feed will receive a multiplier of 1, the second highest-scoring a multiplier of ½, the third a multiplier of ¼, and so on.

Posts with images but no alt-text will incur a penalty of 0.7.

After posts are scored, they are then reordered to limit the frequency of male-centric NSFW content (on feeds that may feature it).

What else is out there? also runs a number of furry-focussed feeds.

There's a "FurSky" Discord, a social chat for furries on BlueSky.